"Fools Gold" was my major film from 2024 studying at the Animal Logic Academy. Directed by Alex Weight and with the guidance of my department lead Ross Anderson this project was was my first proper experience at a studio workplace environment.
I used hard surface modelling, zbrush sculpts and retopologising methods to make many props and set pieces for the film. I also did set assembly for several of the environments.
I modelled several setpieces and props that I then took into assembly for the Temple Exterior. This includes the Ruin statue, Prop door, Brazier, Ruin Stairs, and the Temple Wall which was broken down into sub-assets for a more modular assembly.
Zbrush was used to create displacement maps for assets that required damage, and baked in substance painter.
I modelled many props including the Bell, Rope and Door.
The Bell was hard surfaced modelled in Maya, and brought into Zbrush for a displacement pass on the engravings for extra detail and damage.
The Rope and Door were both hard-surfaced modelled in Maya. Both of these props required back and forth feedback with the FX department as they needed to simulate and explode the pieces. It was important for explosions that the pieces for the door were thick enough to break off, and consisted of larger mosaic-like pieces.